A founding member of the Boğaziçi University Peace Education Application and Research Centre (BEUAM), since 2007, Maggie Pınar has participated in a range of capacities in multıple peace education projects, train the trainer programmes and peace workshops for NGOs/schools/tertiary educational and cultural institutions, She has led numerous local and international workshops on non-violent communication, arts-and games based group-building,restorative methods and social emotional skills for conflict transformation, particularly targeting adults working with children in both formal and non formal settings. M.Pınar has many years practical experience as an educator, working particularly in the fields of art, movement, design, drama and PSE with a range of ages from early years to adult learners. A graduate of Manchester University (UK) with PGCEd., Ms. Pinar is an internationally certified trainer in non-violent communication, life skills, and universal values in education. M. Pinar recently implemented major EU-supported Human Rights and Democratic Education initiatives focused on developing a culture of peace in education. She has published several articles on the practical applications of participatory movement and arts-based approaches to building peace culture. M.Pınar is currently engaged, as BEUAM team member, in a joint, trans-disciplinary multiple stakeholder investigation into the interconnection between children and space in the generation of peace culture in schools. Ms. Pınar is a volunteer and art education advisor for the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Multi Purpose Early Learning Centre (ÇABAÇAM).